“The Moscow Metro now has its very own robotic helper with a pair of blue eyes and an interactive touch-screen on its chest. ‘Metrosha’ will be joining in holiday events held at the underground stations and those of the Moscow Central Ring rail line. He will be greeting passengers and otherwise cheering them up,” the statement said.
According to its creators “Metrosha” has a great sense of humor and will tell passengers jokes, as well as provide them with travel information.
The android is also capable of remembering names and faces of those he meets. It can wink, take photos and print them on the spot.
© Sputnik / Eugene Odinokov / Go to the mediabankRobot Metrosha in the central office of Moscow Metro in "Prospekt Mira" station

Robot Metrosha in the central office of Moscow Metro in "Prospekt Mira" station
© Sputnik / Eugene Odinokov
/ The friendly talking robot was designed and built by Skolkovo resident startup Promobot.
It also boasts artificial intelligence to help it navigate and avoid obstacles.
Several hundred promobot robots operate in the United States, China, Kazakhstan, Ireland, UK, Spain, Chile and other countries around the world, working as administrators, promoters and museum guides.
© Sputnik / Eugene Odinokov / Go to the mediabankRobot Metrosha in the central office of Moscow Metro in "Prospekt Mira" station

Robot Metrosha in the central office of Moscow Metro in "Prospekt Mira" station
© Sputnik / Eugene Odinokov
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