WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The American Council for Capital Formation (ACCF) contracted NERA economic consulting to actual conduct the study. NERA has done similar reports for the American Petroleum Institute.
“Taking into account the loss in employment in other non-manufacturing sectors, the job-equivalents impact for the overall industrial sector could be about 1.1 million job-equivalents in 2025 and 6.5 million in 2040,” the report said on Thursday.
The report also said that reaching the long-term goal of an 80-percent reduction in emissions by 2050 would see the country's GDP reduced by almost $3 trillion.
ACCF has received at least $2.3 million from Exxon Mobil and Koch Industries since 1998, according to tax documents and data obtained by Greenpeace and the Union of Concerned Scientists. In July, 2016, Americans United for Action accused ACCF of promoting oil industry policies including opposition to renewable fuels and emissions standards.