On April 3, 2017, a bomb exploded in a train of the Saint Petersburg subway. The blast killed at least 14 people, according to Russian Minister of Healthcare Veronika Skvortsova; 49 people were hospitalized.
© AFP 2023 / Olga MaltsevaDespite the fact that Saint Petersburg subway was partly closed for the whole day after the attack and above-ground public transport was overloaded, people gathered at the site to lay flowers and light candles to honor the memory of the victims of St. Pete metro blast.

Despite the fact that Saint Petersburg subway was partly closed for the whole day after the attack and above-ground public transport was overloaded, people gathered at the site to lay flowers and light candles to honor the memory of the victims of St. Pete metro blast.
© Sputnik / Michael KlimentyevRussian President Vladimir Putin also visited the site of the deadly attack at Tekhnologichesky Institut station in the Saint Petersburg metro and laid flowers late on April 3.

© Sputnik / Michael Klimentyev
Russian President Vladimir Putin also visited the site of the deadly attack at Tekhnologichesky Institut station in the Saint Petersburg metro and laid flowers late on April 3.
© REUTERS / Baz RatnerIn Israel, the Tel Aviv city hall building was illuminated in the colors of the Russian flag in solidarity with Russia after the blast in the Saint Petersburg metro on April 3.

In Israel, the Tel Aviv city hall building was illuminated in the colors of the Russian flag in solidarity with Russia after the blast in the Saint Petersburg metro on April 3.
© AP Photo / Dmitri LovetskyYoung women pay tribute to the victims of Saint Petersburg metro explosion near Tekhnologichesky Institut station.

© AP Photo / Dmitri Lovetsky
Young women pay tribute to the victims of Saint Petersburg metro explosion near Tekhnologichesky Institut station.
© Sputnik / Anna VolkovaA young woman lights a candle near the entrance of the Spasskaya station in memory of St. Petersburg's subway blast victims on April 3. City authorities announced there would be a three-day period of mourning in the city from April 4.

© Sputnik / Anna Volkova
A young woman lights a candle near the entrance of the Spasskaya station in memory of St. Petersburg's subway blast victims on April 3. City authorities announced there would be a three-day period of mourning in the city from April 4.
© Sputnik / Vladimir AstapkovichMuscovites also gathered to pay tribute to the victims of the Saint Petersburg metro explosion. People laid flowers at the Leningrad memorial on the Alley of the Hero Cities in Moscow.

© Sputnik / Vladimir Astapkovich
Muscovites also gathered to pay tribute to the victims of the Saint Petersburg metro explosion. People laid flowers at the Leningrad memorial on the Alley of the Hero Cities in Moscow.
© Sputnik / Alexandr PolegenkoIn memory of the victims of the explosion in the St. Petersburg underground, citizens of Simferopol, Crimea staged a vigil on Lenin Square to lay flowers and light candles.

© Sputnik / Alexandr Polegenko
In memory of the victims of the explosion in the St. Petersburg underground, citizens of Simferopol, Crimea staged a vigil on Lenin Square to lay flowers and light candles.
© Sputnik / Alexandr PolegenkoHead of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksenov laid flowers on Lenin Square in Simferopol to commemorate the victims of St. Petersburg's deadly attack.

© Sputnik / Alexandr Polegenko
Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksenov laid flowers on Lenin Square in Simferopol to commemorate the victims of St. Petersburg's deadly attack.
© Sputnik / Anatoly MedvedPeople lay flowers at the entrance of Spasskaya station in Saint Petersburg in memory of the city’s subway blast victims on April 3.

© Sputnik / Anatoly Medved
People lay flowers at the entrance of Spasskaya station in Saint Petersburg in memory of the city’s subway blast victims on April 3.
© Sputnik / Alexei DanichevCitizens bring flowers to the Tekhnologichesky Institut station of the Saint Petersburg metro on April 3.

© Sputnik / Alexei Danichev
Citizens bring flowers to the Tekhnologichesky Institut station of the Saint Petersburg metro on April 3.
© Sputnik / Alexandr PolegenkoA gathering on Lenin Square in Simferopol, Crimea, to commemorate the victims of St. Petersburg's deadly attack.

© Sputnik / Alexandr Polegenko
A gathering on Lenin Square in Simferopol, Crimea, to commemorate the victims of St. Petersburg's deadly attack.
© Sputnik / Alexandr PolegenkoParticipants of the vigil on Lenin Square in Simferopol, Crimea, pay tribute to the victims of St. Petersburg's deadly attack.

© Sputnik / Alexandr Polegenko
Participants of the vigil on Lenin Square in Simferopol, Crimea, pay tribute to the victims of St. Petersburg's deadly attack.
© Sputnik / Aram NersesyanFlowers at the embassy of the Russian Federation in Yerevan, Armenia, in memory of St. Pete's subway blast victims.

© Sputnik / Aram Nersesyan
Flowers at the embassy of the Russian Federation in Yerevan, Armenia, in memory of St. Pete's subway blast victims.
© Sputnik / Sergey MelkonovPeople light candles at the embassy of the Russian Federation in Riga, Latvia, to commemorate the victims of the deadly St. Petersburg attack.

© Sputnik / Sergey Melkonov
People light candles at the embassy of the Russian Federation in Riga, Latvia, to commemorate the victims of the deadly St. Petersburg attack.
© Sputnik / Zacharie ScheurerIn Berlin, Germany, people also gathered to pay tribute to the victims of the Saint Petersburg metro explosion.

© Sputnik / Zacharie Scheurer
In Berlin, Germany, people also gathered to pay tribute to the victims of the Saint Petersburg metro explosion.
© Sputnik / Alexandr PolegenkoParticipants of a vigil on Lenin Square in Simferopol, Crimea, light candles to pay tribute to the victims of Monday's deadly St. Petersburg attack.

© Sputnik / Alexandr Polegenko
Participants of a vigil on Lenin Square in Simferopol, Crimea, light candles to pay tribute to the victims of Monday's deadly St. Petersburg attack.