Resistance School is the title of a new course developed by Harvard University undergraduate students that can be taken by anyone interested in person or through a free online forum.
“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty,” the Resistance School’s website proclaims prominently.
The educational sessions, which do not grant academic credit to current students, will be broadcast over Facebook Live to form a “nationwide classroom” to bring together disparate groups. Course organizers hopes to spur collective action by asking enrollees to round up five or more people to watch and participate in each of the sessions.
The schedule starts April 5 and ends April 27. All classes are held on Wednesdays.
Content includes how to communicate values for political advocacy, engage grassroots and online activism tactics, and ensure the movement endures for as long as US President Donald Trump is in office. Speakers include former White House staffers, Harvard public policy professors and grassroots organizers.
The Resistance School says on its website that thousands of people have already registered for the course. The group was not immediately able to respond to an inquiry as to how many of Harvard’s 22,000 undergraduate and graduate students had enrolled.
The Harvard College Democrats claim to be the largest political group on campus, so the Resistance School stands to receive significant support from the school’s student body.