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Merkel's Dossier on Putin Unlikely to Offer UK Intelligence Any Juicy Info

© REUTERS / Hannibal HanschkeGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel gives a statement in Berlin, Germany, June 24, 2016, after Britain voted to leave the European Union in the EU BREXIT referendum.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel gives a statement in Berlin, Germany, June 24, 2016, after Britain voted to leave the European Union in the EU BREXIT referendum. - Sputnik International
Angela Merkel's dossier on Vladimir Putin is unlikely to contain any new information about the Russian leader that could be of use to UK intelligence, political analyst Leonid Krutakov told Radio Sputnik.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel awaits the arrival of the new European Parliament President Antonio Tajani at the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany, February 24, 2017. - Sputnik International
German Intelligence Outraged: 'Merkel Trusting Britons More Than Own People'
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is under fire for taking briefings from UK intelligence rather than her own security services. Merkel also shared the results of German intelligence investigations with the UK, without telling her German colleagues.

Merkel held several meetings with UK intelligence agencies, including Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), which according to the German Bundestag's NSA Investigation Committee, carried out extensive illegal wiretapping in Germany.

The final meeting took place in October 2015 at the Prime Minister's Chequers residence, near London. The German Chancellor took a briefing from GCHQ chief Robert Hannigan, the head of domestic security agency MI5 Andrew Parker and head of the UK's foreign intelligence agency MI6, Alex Younger.

The German magazine Focus reports that as a thank you for the briefing, Merkel handed the UK intelligence agencies a German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) dossier with information about Russian President Vladimir Putin and Crimea.

"In later talks with their German colleagues, the British were surprised that the German intelligences services had not been informed about Merkel's secret service meeting in England," Focus reported.

Merkel is facing harsh criticism in German intelligence circles for appearing to place more trust in the UK security services than those of her own country.

"Not once in the past 12 years has Merkel come to the weekly briefings that the President gets from the German security authorities," a senior government official told the magazine.

"Why does she travel to England – does she not trust her own people anymore?"

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (File) - Sputnik International
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Political analyst Leonid Krutakov told Radio Sputnik that the German dossier probably contains information about Vladimir Putin's life as an intelligence officer in East Germany during the 1980s.

"I think this is about the Dresden period of Vladimir Putin's life. It is well-known that the East German Ministry of State Security – the 'Stasi' was one of the best spy agencies in the world, and it developed dossiers not only on its opponents but also on allies, as is the practice of intelligence agencies. But I think that like in any dossier, there isn't any really secret information. As a rule, the value of a dossier is in its assessment of a person's professional and psychological characteristics."

"You are unlikely to find some kind of compromising material there which you can use to the advantage of Germany or Britain, otherwise it would have been done a long time ago," Krutakov said.

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