Kim was snapped inspecting pig pens and carcasses as he familiarized himself with the everyday work of the Thaechon Pig Farm of the Air and Anti-Air Force of the Korean People’s Army and offered field guidance to the workers.

He praised the system of automated production control and analysis installed at the facility and the good job done by its workers, which he said filled him with pride and hope that the North Korean people will be well fed and the country will survive against all odds.
Kim Jong-un said he appreciated the “heroism of the soldiers and officers of our Air Force and Air-Defense units who managed to build a modern facility in line with Party decrees.”

Tensions between Pyongyang and Washington have soared in recent weeks as the United States has stepped up its warnings to North Korea over its missile program and nuclear weapons tests.

During a visit to South Korea on April 17, Vice President Mike Pence said “the era of strategic patience is over” and warned that military options against the North have not been ruled out.
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