The non-government political research group presented a report on Thursday that explored Putin’s popularity based on April 2017 figures provided by three pollsters – Romir, VCIOM and FOM.
"President Vladimir Putin enjoys unparalleled support of the population. None of the possible challengers can come close to the sitting head of state," the report read.
A Romir survey found that the 64-year-old was most popular among voters aged 18-24 and could count on 65 percent of their votes. Among those aged 24-34, up to 64 percent were likely to support his candidacy, compared to 56 percent of people in their 40s and 50s.
The research paper indicated that a fifth of undecided voters were leaning toward voting for Putin if he chooses to run for president in March 2018, potentially hiking electoral support to three-fourths of votes.