The large mural by the street artist appeared on the side of a building in Dover, England on May 7, showing a workman chipping away at one of the 12 stars of the European Union flag.

Banksy's artwork turns up in random places all over the world and nobody really knows who the artist is, however many have said that Banksy himself is a vandal and thus this latest development is him getting a taste of his own medicine.
The mural, which is close to the port town's ferry terminal in Kent, shows a workman on a ladder removing one of the bright yellow stars, and is meant to symbolize Britain's exit from the EU.
The guerrilla artist from Bristol is known for his controversial pieces, one of which had been painted outside a youth club in the UK and sold for US$405,000. However, it seems not everyone is a fan of Banksy.

Local news station Kent Live said that the mural has already been valued at US$1 million, however vandals have painted the words, "The Clash" on the rungs of the ladder.
"Whether this is in reference to the seminal punk band — whose second album opens with the song Safe European Home — is unclear," Kent Live reported.
Many of the residents welcomed the mural's arrival and said that it had brought life to an area that had been considered to be less than nice, saying that it brightened up an unclean part of the town.
"It doesn't say whether he is pro or anti-Brexit, but I assume he is against it as you see the man chipping away the star,' said a local resident.
"I love the fact he had his scaffolding up and no one had any idea. He must have had an army of people working on it. I love it," another local resident said.
Mark Hamilton, also a resident, said that Dover District Council should protect the artwork, but others dismissed the idea as a waste of public money.
The local authority said it would monitor the artwork with CCTV and a council spokesman told the BBC that they are aware of the continuing interest around the artwork attributed to Banksy.
"The building is not owned by Dover District Council, and we have no other plans to take action to protect the artwork at this time," the council spokesperson said.