FBI Director Removal Unrelated to Trump-Russia Ties Investigation - White House

© AP Photo / Evan VucciFBI director James Comey gestures during a news conference at FBI headquarters in Washington, Wednesday, March 25, 2015
FBI director James Comey gestures during a news conference at FBI headquarters in Washington, Wednesday, March 25, 2015 - Sputnik International
The recent removal of FBI Director James Comey from office is not connected to the ongoing investigation into alleged connections between US President Donald Trump's campaign and Russia, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said in an interview on Wednesday.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Asked if Trump’s decision to fire Comey had anything to do with the Russian probe, Sanders told MSNBC, "Absolutely not."

FBI Director James Comey - Sputnik International
Trump Slams Dems' Hypocrisy Over Dismissal of Comey Who 'Lost' Everyone's Trust

"Party because that's not based on the recommendation, but the other part is — there is nothing to that. There's no evidence of any collusion," Sanders explained.

On Tuesday, the FBI director was fired because, according to the administration of US President Donald Trump, he mishandled the probe into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server during her term as Secretary of State. Trump fired Comey based on the recommendation of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Trump scolded Comey in a letter announcing his dismissal, stating, "You are not able to effectively lead" the FBI. As such, a change in leadership was necessary to rebuild trust between the White House and law enforcement.

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