"Maybe Trump hoped that this move will be welcomed by both the Republicans and the Democrats. Both parties were very vocally critical of Comey and so the criticism and outrage over the dismissal has surprised Trump," she said.
Meanwhile Dirk Pohlmann, a journalist and author of numerous documentaries, mostly about the military and secret services during the Cold War, said that the move only played up to Trump's opponents.
He said that there is a very serious movement in the US to impeach the President, with the impeachment process of Richard Nixon, who became the only US president to resign from office, often cited as an example. It has reached an absurd scale, he said.
"Usually the US was very cautiously reporting about their presidents, however with Trump they are beating in full force," he noted.
The US mainstream media constantly says that the US leader is acting independently and on its own. However, the filmmaker says, he is constantly provoked to act as a hardliner, especially with regards to Russia. There are constant attacks on him. Thus, he said, the president is not delivering on his promise to improve relations with Russia.
The Europeans, who are not ready for any military actions, should have supported Trump's policies, he said.