Brandon Vezmar, 37 sued his date on Tuesday after she was texting incessantly while they were sitting in a movie theater earlier this month. "This is like one of my biggest pet peeves,' Vezmar told the Austin-American Statesman.
Vezmar alleges that his unnamed date started texting 15 minutes into a movie they were seeing. "At least 10-20 times,"Vezmar’s date grabbed her phone to read and send text messages.
The disgruntled Vezmar asked his date to refund him the cost of the movie tickets, $17.31, to compensate him for his bad experience. Vezmar further said the accused’s behavior "is a threat to civilized society."
"This is crazy," the woman told a local newspaper. She claims she was consoling a friend who was experiencing a conflict with her boyfriend.
The suit says the woman’s texting ruined his movie experience, as well that of other patrons, and was in violation of the movie theater’s texting policy. "I just went out on a date," the woman said, adding that the whole deal is totally overblown.