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UK Raises Terror Threat to 'Critical' Level for Third Time in History

© AFP 2023 / Oli SCARFFA police cordon surrounds Manchester Arena in Manchester, northwest England following the deadly terror attacks on May 23, 2017.
A police cordon surrounds Manchester Arena in Manchester, northwest England following the deadly terror attacks on May 23, 2017. - Sputnik International
The United Kingdom late on Tuesday raised the level of terrorist threat in the country from "severe" to "critical" following the Manchester attack, which left 22 people dead and some 120 injured, UK Prime Minister Theresa May said.

A police cordon surrounds Manchester Arena in Manchester, northwest England following the deadly terror attacks on May 23, 2017. - Sputnik International
#ManchesterAttack: 'There is No Way We Can 100% Protect Every Possible Target'
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — On Monday night, an explosion occurred outside the Manchester Arena at the end of US singer Ariana Grande's concert, with Daesh (banned in Russia) terror organization reportedly claiming responsibility for the attack. UK police named one Salman Abedi, 22, the perpetrator of the attack.

This is the third time the threat level is raised to "critical," and the police hope it will not last for a long time.

There are five level of terrorist threat – "low," "moderate," "substantial," "severe" and "critical." The scale was introduced in 2006, and the level of terrorist threat has never been lower than "substantial" since.


Armed police officers patrol the streets near Southwark Cathedral ahead of the funeral of PC Keith Palmer, who was killed in the recent Westminster attack, in central London, Britain April 10, 2017. - Sputnik International
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In August 2016 the terrorist threat level was raised to "critical" for the first time, following the so-called transatlantic aircraft plot, which targeted as many as 10 aircraft bound for the United States and Canada. The plot was discovered by the police and led to introduction of unprecedented security measures. The threat level was reduced back to "severe" in three days.

On June 30, 2007, the level was raised again after three terrorist attack attempts in 36 hours in London and Glasgow. The threat level remained at "critical" until July 4.

According to the UK Security Service, the "critical" level means that an attack is expected imminently, while "severe" level indicates an attack is highly likely. The "substantial" level means an attack is a strong possibility.


Prime Minister May also announced that Operation Temperer was now in force, allowing members of the armed forces to be deployed to key civilian sites.

A member of the public reacts as police evacuate the Arndale shopping centre, in Manchester, England Tuesday May 23, 2017, the day after an apparent suicide bomber attacked an Ariana Grande concert as it ended Monday night, killing over a dozen of people among a panicked crowd of young concertgoers. - Sputnik International
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"This means that armed police officers responsible for duties such as guarding key sites will be replaced by members of the armed forces, which will allow the police to significantly increase the number of armed officers on patrol in key locations. You might also see military personnel deployed at certain events such as concerts and sports matches, helping the police to keep the public safe," May said after a meeting of the government's Cobra emergency response committee.

According to media reports, some 5,000 military servicemen may be deployed within the Operation Temperer.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan called on the population to remain vigilant and report anything suspicious to the police.

"There will be additional police officers on London's streets over the coming days — including additional armed officers. You will also see some military personnel around London — they are there to help our police service to keep us safe and guard key sites," Sadiq explained.


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On Tuesday, the UK police named one Salman Abedi, 22, the suspected perpetrator of the attack.

Also, a 23-year-old man was detained in Manchester in connection to the attack, Greater Manchester Police Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said, with Prime Minister May stating that there is a strong possibility that "a wider group of individuals" was linked to the attack.

May called on the people to "be vigilant and to co-operate" with the police, pledging to take every measure available and provide the police and security services with every additional resource to protect the public.


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