A smiling roll of toilet paper, sporting Donald Trump’s trademark hairstyle and giving the thumbs up, became the official logo of a new brand of toilet paper. Mexican entrepreneur Antonio Battaglia named his new patented product after the current US president.

The product's motto, Softness Without Borders, and the wall of toilet paper rolls depicted on the package with a caption saying "This is the only wall we’re willing to pay for" are both direct references to Trump’s campaign promises. Trump insisted he would stem the flow of migrants by building a wall along the US-Mexican border and force the Mexican government to pay for the construction expenses.

As Battaglia explained to Sputnik Mundo, he came up with this idea as a response, a "social and peaceful answer" to numerous insults to Mexicans that Trump had used during his election campaign.
"I wanted to do something that would generate positive feedback and that would help the migrants – people whom Trump offended by his comments," he said.
Battaglia further explained that his project is not a purely commercial enterprise as a percentage of the proceeds will be used to aid the Mexican community in the United States.
Initially Battaglia wanted to patent a clothing or shoe brand but, after discovering that such trademarks already exist in the US, had to settle on toilet paper.
"Having considered a number of options, I chose toilet paper because it is a funny commodity that can attract people and help spread the idea. And I do not seek to mock Trump as this is not the kind of toilet paper that has his face on it (which already exists in the US)," the entrepreneur said.
The new toilet paper is expected to become available in Mexico in a few months.