WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — When asked about EU-Russia counterterrorism cooperation, Iklody said, "That’s a great opportunity and we don’t see as much interaction as we should."
The European Union and Russia are expected to continue cooperation on counterterrorism that was put on hold because of the Ukrainian crisis, Iklody said.
"It was not a good decision to put everything on hold there," he said. "There are a couple of areas, there are very clearly identified common interests. I think we should just be doing it."
The relations between Russia and the West shattered after Crimea rejoined Russia as a result of a referendum in 2014, which had not been recognized by the EU's member states. The European Union, as well as the United States and their allies, introduced a number of sanctions against Russia. Moscow, in turn, put in place a food embargo on products originating in the countries which had targeted Russia with sanctions.