Russia, UK Have High Unused Potential in Counterterrorism Cooperation - Moscow

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Russia is ready to cooperate with the United Kingdom in exchanging information on counterterrorism, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Thursday, expressing concern over the fact that this potential for working together was not being used by the UK side.

VLADIVOSTOK (Sputnik) — In May, Zakharova said that the channels for information exchange on counterterrorism between the security services of Russia and the United Kingdom had been unilaterally blocked by London.

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"We are ready to cooperate with this state [UK] in various areas… There is a huge question of why the amount of information and the potential of [the anti-terrorism] cooperation, which the United Kingdom and Russia, London and Moscow have, is not utilized by the United Kingdom," Zakharova said at a briefing.

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She noted that the two nations' intelligence agencies and foreign ministries possessed the potential for cooperating on counterterrorism, and added that unilaterally curtailing almost all contacts was a debatable decision by London in light of recent terrorist attacks in the United Kingdom.

"It would seem, given the Russian experience of countering terrorism,… and Russia’s anti-terrorist efforts in the international arena, that we have something to talk about. For the sake of possible prevention of terrorist acts and the investigation of those that have already happened, I think it is possible [for the United Kingdom] to get over themselves," Zakharova stressed.

A series of deadly terrorist attacks in the United Kingdom hit London in March and in June, and the city of Manchester in May.

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