UKIP Leader Steps Down Effective Immediately After Gaining No Parliament Seats

© REUTERS / Toby MelvilleUnited Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) newly elected leader Paul Nuttall speaks after the announcement of his success in the leadership election, in London, Britain November 28, 2016
United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) newly elected leader Paul Nuttall speaks after the announcement of his success in the leadership election, in London, Britain November 28, 2016 - Sputnik International
The UKIP leader announced his plan to resign after the party got no seats in the general election.

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MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) leader Paul Nuttall announced on Friday his plan to resign after his Euroskeptic party failed to gain any seats in the general election.

"I am standing down today as the leader of UKIP with immediate effect. This will allow the party to have a new leader in place by the conference in September," Nuttall said at a press conference.

He touted his ability to lay the "foundations" of the party's future campaigns, "but it will be for someone else to build on those."

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