On Friday, Benyik joined other activists at the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) conference in Richmond, Virginia, where they came together to protest against imperialist wars, poverty, environmental destruction, and other forms of injustice.
"Our main concern is that even though Soros looks like an angel or helper or distributor of freedom, but if you look into the matter you’ll find out that the only thing is to separate capitalism and open society for capitalists, not for the people," Benyik stated on Friday. "If you look around in eastern Europe in Hungary or in other countries like Ukraine where these color revolutions are done, people became more poorer than before."
The conference, held June 16-18 at Greater Richmond Convention Center in US state of Virginia features panel discussions on history of US-Russia relations, the expansion of NATO, situation in Ukraine and the phenomenon of color revolutions.
ATTAC is the Association for the Taxation of financial Transactions and Aid to Citizens, founded in 1998, whose mission is to oppose neo-liberal globalization.