Speaking on Fox & Friends, a television talk show that is consistently sympathetic to her family, Special Assistant to the President Ivanka Trump claimed that she was making attempts to stay away from the inner workings of her father's administration, according to a report by the Guardian.
"I try to stay out of politics," she stated during the program, although many have pointed out that her continual proximity to her father and his advisors — although in an unpaid position — indicates the value that those currently in power place upon her consistent presence.
In a nod to the luck of the draw she has experienced Trump asserted that, "I feel blessed just being part of the ride from day one."
"I don't profess to be a political savant."
Her public praise for her father and his administration remained on point during the interview, however.
In gushing that President Trump's "political instincts are phenomenal," and declaring that "he did something that no one could have imagined he'd be able to accomplish," she kept on message, avoiding any direct response to claims of nepotism and undue influence in the White House.
In spite of her protestations of non-involvement, first daughter Trump is considered a trusted, although unofficial, advisor to her father, quickly moving to Washington with her husband, Jared Kushner, also one of the president's close advisers, following the January inauguration.