PARIS (Sputnik) – In a video secretly recorded by Roya Solidaire and obtained by the France Info radio, at a train station of Menton situated near the Italian border, police officers take brother and sister from Chad, aged 16 and 14, off the train coming from Italy. When asked by Roya Solidaire member Cedric Herrou where they were taking the migrants, police officers said they were heading to the Air and Border Police (PAF).
However, the video showed that police were taking migrants towards the Italian border without offering them the possibility to submit an asylum application.
On April 25, the Civil Liberties Committee of the European Parliament endorsed draft amendments to the EU Reception Conditions Directive, outlining, among other rules, that the EU member states should ensure that every unaccompanied minor receive a guardian from the moment of their arrival to the European Union, as well as immediate access to health care and education under the same conditions as EU minors.