"Judged against its mandate, the EU’s naval mission, Operation Sophia, has failed to achieve its objective of 'contributing to the disruption of the business model of human smuggling and trafficking networks in the Southern Central Mediterranean'. Irregular migration into Europe on the central Mediterranean route increased by 18 percent in 2016, and by another 19 percent in the first six months of 2017 compared to 2016," the report said.
Commenting on the findings, Chairman of the Sub-Committee Sandip Verma said that a naval mission was the wrong tool for dealing with migrant smuggling.
"Future UK and EU action should focus on tackling people smuggling in source and transit countries, and supporting sustainable economic development and good governance in these countries," Verma stressed.
Since the inception of the mission in June 2015, operation Sophia vessels have rescued over 33,000 individuals, according to the UK Sub-Committee's report.