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Naked Facts: Hundreds of Finns Strip Off to Set World Record in Skinny Dipping

© Photo : Ilosaarirock Festival / facebookFinland naked swimmers bid for biggest skinny dip record 16/07/17
Finland naked swimmers bid for biggest skinny dip record 16/07/17 - Sputnik International
While Finland most often evokes thoughts of steamy saunas and hikes in dense woods, Finns are also keen on other worldly pleasures. The past weekend, hundreds of Finns gathered in the town of Joensuu to break the world record for the largest number of people swimming naked at once.

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A preliminary tally by the organizers confirmed the number of naked swimmers hitting the chilly waters of Linnunlahti Bay at 789, which successfully surpassed the previous Australian record by three individuals, Finnish national broadcaster Yle reported.

The glorious plunge was announced a few weeks earlier as a challenge for the ticketholders of the popular music festival Ilosaarirock to mark Finland's centenary jubilee, which is widely celebrated this year.

Although the initial goal was to gather 1,000 skinny dippers (hence one thousand green hats stocked up), the turnout was, nevertheless, enough. Before the scheduled dip, things did not look good, as only a few hundred people were undressing for the challenge. However, the sun came out at the right moment, inspiring the wavering crowd with the resolution needed.

Публикация от Ilosaarirock Festival (@ilosaarirock) Июл 15 2017 в 6:09 PDT

The swimmers had to stay in the water for at least five minutes in order to break the previous record set at Perth's South Beach on March 8, 2015.

After some splashing and shouting, the naked crowd reportedly broke into a song and started chanting Finland's national anthem in order to celebrate the occasion.

Previously, Finland has made two unsuccessful attempts at the world record by alluring naked swimming aficionados to make a collective effort. However, the previous attempts in Helsinki in 2015 and 2016 failed miserably, as only a few hundred willing participants showed up.

The Ilosaarirock Festival is an annual rock festival held on the second weekend of July in Joensuu, Eastern Finland. Founded in 1971, Ilosaarirock is the second oldest rock festival in Finland still active, and one of the oldest in Europe, gathering tens of thousands of visitors.

In June, Finland made an attempt at the world record for mass dancing, as hundreds of thousands of Finns participated in the simultaneous Hula Hula Finland dance to celebrate Midsummer and Finland's centenary jubilee. While 222,542 Finns reportedly joined the dance on the Midsummer Eve, the effort nevertheless fell short of the record set by the Dutch of around 275,000 people dancing simultaneously.

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