"Missed a plane? Lost an election? Blame it on us!" reads one ad on a large display screen at the airport.
Another one makes a jab at Hillary Clinton: “The more you watch, the more upset Hillary Clinton becomes.”
A third one reads, "Come closer and find out who we are planning to hack next."
The ads have taken trolling to a new level. The photos of one of the ads was first uploaded to Twitter by Rachel Palermo, a former press rep for the Democratic Party and were then flagged by BuzzFeed.
As a DNC hack survivor I have a lot of thoughts about my layover in Moscow, but the most appalling part was @RT_com's official advertising 😑 pic.twitter.com/NWRCVERsVu
— Rachel Palermo (@RachelEPalermo) July 14, 2017
Commenting on her tweet, users laughed at how Palermo managed to "survive" her layover in Moscow and many users expressed delight at the ad campaign calling it "excellent," "hilarious" and "epic trolling."
High level trolling ongoing at St Petersburg airport.. 😂👌 #WNSM17 @RT_com pic.twitter.com/xosZicxrzC
— Kevin Richard (@512banque) July 3, 2017
Massive RT installation at Sochi airport. "Find out who we are planning to hack next" and other hilarious slogans pic.twitter.com/UtP0lDjeMv
— Shaun Walker (@shaunwalker7) June 29, 2017
I have never been more proud to work for @RT_com. Savage af. https://t.co/Q0xvZR8nlU
— Faye Turnbull (@xfayex) July 17, 2017i love RT for giving us another side of the story
— Christian ن (@CDcaritas) July 15, 2017
In response to BuzzFeed’s request for comments, RT replied with irony. A representative of the TV channel thanked the "army of trolls that hacked screens for us," and then warned that BuzzFeed’s article on the advertising campaign could become a reason for accusations of "collusion with the Kremlin."

The press service of RT went even further in their sarcasm and joked that the ads were personally approved by Putin.
Although RT did not explain the specific objective of the campaign, the signs are obviously aimed at trolling the allegations made against Russia at Hillary Clinton's loss last year, as well as to allegations of Russian meddling in the election and alleged hacking.