"Veteran diplomat Wendy Sherman sent a message to State officials on February 6, 2009, advising them to send a message to North Korean dictator Kim Jung-il that Hillary Clinton ‘looks forward to the day when enough progress is made that she can come to NK as well,’ " the release stated.
Kim has since died and his son, Kim Jong-un now rules North Korea.
The documents obtained by Judicial Watch under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and a subsequent lawsuit included 91 Clinton email exchanges that were not previously turned over to the State Department.
The release disclosed four instances of Clinton exchanging classified information through her private email system, including details of a telephone conversation with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, the release said.
In addition, the messages show a number of bids for State Department favors from donors to the Clinton Foundation, including a request from Howard Buffett, Jr., grandson of billionaire donor Warren Buffet, for a meeting between his father, Howard Sr., and Clinton, the release added.
The disclosure of Clinton’s use of an unsecured email server in the basement of her home in New York while serving as secretary of state dogged her bid for the US presidency and possibly contributed to her defeat by President Donald Trump.