The annual military International Army Games-2017 are being held from July 28 until August 12 in Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and China. The contests include competitions among tank crews, snipers, air and seaborne practices, as well as medical, scout and other contests. The first Army Games were held in 2015 on the initiative of the Russian defense minister.
Russian Aerobatic Team Performs on 105th Air Force’s Anniversary at ARMY-2017
11:00 GMT 12.08.2017 (Updated: 14:43 GMT 12.08.2017)
© Sputnik / Alexander Vilf / Go to the mediabankThe performance of the Strizhi aerobatic team in MiG-29 jets during a show at the ARMY 2015 International Military-Technical Forum held outside Moscow

© Sputnik / Alexander Vilf
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Watch the performance by a Russian aerobatic team on the 105th anniversary of Russian Air Force at the Army Games 2017.