WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Votel's comments come on the heels of President Donald Trump's speech on Monday that unveiled a new strategy of Afghanistan and called for increasing the number of US troops in the country.
"First deployments of new US forces to arrive in Afghanistan pretty quickly; estimates time frames of days to a few weeks," Votel was quoted as saying by NBC News.
US Central Command (CENTCOM) head Gen. Joseph Votel said that more US soldiers will begin to arrive in Afghanistan fairly soon.
The draft constitution was released in November 2003 and was approved by a constitutional loya jirga, or grand council, in early 2004. While the document requires that laws be consistent with Islam, the constitution also establishes a government that structurally resembles that in the United States.
Beyond the capital of Kabul, the Taliban terror group (outlawed in Russia) today controls more territory than in 2002, when it was ousted from power in a US-led invasion, according to US military officials.