The article didn't really offer any evidence or support for these allegations. It mentioned that Dzokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the Boston bombers, were born in a former Soviet republic, which is true. It fails to mention that they moved to the US as minors, both later became Islamic extremists, and, crucially, that Russian intelligence warned the US in 2011 that the elder Tsarnaev was a potentially dangerous radical.
Did Putin Poison Our Water, Burn Our Crops, and Deliver a Plague on Our Houses?
19:00 GMT 06.09.2017 (Updated: 12:58 GMT 08.09.2017)
© Sputnik / Ted RallKovalev Newsweek Cartoon

© Sputnik / Ted Rall
Newsweek published a bizarre story over the weekend that linked the Russian government to pretty much everything wrong in the world from the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing to the Syrian Civil War and ensuing refugee crisis.