Jo Hemmings, a behavioral, media and celebrity psychologist, believes this thorny issue is going to open a whole new can of worms ranging from moral and ethical issues, acceptance by the general public, and even the question of infidelity.
Yet no matter how difficult or reluctant people will be to debate the prospect of getting intimate with a sexbot, the issue will simply not go away.
Ms. Hemmings, who is also a dating coach, insists people will need to face up to it.
"Like it or not, the age of a robot is certainly dawning."
Ms. Hemmings revealed some may just about find it "acceptable" to have a robot sex doll in a brothel.
"In fact, it should be encouraged as it avoids any question of human exploitation in the sex industry."
Tackling the question of cheating on a partner with a robot doll, the psychologist said: "I actually do think if you are in a relationship, then having sex with a robot will count as infidelity.
"It's an extremely tough thing to contemplate — and many will disagree with me — as the 'person' is not in human form. But nevertheless these robots are becoming so sophisticated that any clandestine relationship which contains a sexual element can — and I think — will in time, be considered to be infidelity."
Ms. Hemmings warned the introduction of a sexbot into any relationship could cause serious problems.
"Obviously if the robot is being shared by the couple or they are in an open relationship with it — then that is a different situation. Not betrayal or infidelity but may cause jealousy or resentment at some stage."
Vivienne Kuh, a public engagement officer at the University of Bristol, who covers aspects of sex, intimacy and violence, said:
"The age of robot sex is already on its way. It's not something that can be stopped by people saying it shouldn't happen. One of the biggest worries is that we will be too prudish to discuss what the future should be like, so it will be decided by businessmen in search of profit. At the moment it's been driven by the market forces of pornography and sex dolls."
The subject has already featured on mainstream television in Britain following the screening of the drama Humans [in 2015].
"Yesterday's science fiction very often becomes the normality of today," Ms. Huh commented.
A report by the Foundation for Responsible Robotics concluded that Andriod love dolls will be increasingly common over the next decade, but it warned that the trend could damage relationships.