Peruvian culinary experts claimed a Guinness World Record for the world's biggest dark chocolate bar with nuts. It took the team of chocolatiers about eight hours to make this 70 % pure cocoa bar using a whopping two tons of cocoa, 1,500 liters of milk, 700 kilos of sugar and 250 liters of water, as well as more than 20 kilograms of chestnuts and walnuts. After the record was credited, the 7-meter-long, 3-meter-wide and 5-centimeter-thick chocolate block was split in portions and distributed to children and participants of a chocolate fair in Lima.
Meanwhile, 14 pastry chefs in Bosnia and Herzegovina attempted to set another record by preparing a huge meat burek — traditional baked pastries with filling, which weighed 675 kilos and was 6 meters in diameter. The burek was shared amongst citizens and members of the local fire department, police and ambulance services.