WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — On Friday, the US Fish and Wildlife Service said it was lifting a ban on importing remains from elephants hunted in Africa. The filing said that killing elephant trophy animals in Zimbabwe will enhance the survival of the African elephant.
"Put big game trophy decision on hold until such time as I review all conservation facts," Trump said in a Twitter post on Friday. "Under study for years. Will update soon with [Interior] Secretary [Ryan] Zinke."
Former President Barack Obama suspended imports of elephant trophies from Zimbabwe in 2014, because elephants were included in a list of endangered species and protected under appropriate laws.
An appreciation post to one of the most majestic animals on this planet, elephants must be protected at all costs. The Trump administration has reversed a ban that will now allow the import of elephant trophies in the US. pic.twitter.com/kjVrMwNLny
— Simar (@sahluwal) 17 ноября 2017 г.
After media has revealed Trump's plan to lift the ban, it has been widely criticized by the general public and environmental protection groups, who had accused the US leader of disrupting efforts to end the global ivory trade.
According to the great elephant census of 2016, the overall population of elephants in Zimbabwe was down 6 percent and down 74 percent within Sebungwe region.