Watchdog: Trump Offers Substantial Amount of Alaskan Reserve to Oil Companies
Watchdog: Trump Offers Substantial Amount of Alaskan Reserve to Oil Companies
Sputnik International
The Trump administration is offering oil companies all 10.3 million acres of available land on the reserve, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) said in a... 05.12.2017, Sputnik International
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newsfeed, us, alaska, donald trump, center for biological diversity (cbd), environment
newsfeed, us, alaska, donald trump, center for biological diversity (cbd), environment
Watchdog: Trump Offers Substantial Amount of Alaskan Reserve to Oil Companies
21:37 GMT 05.12.2017 (Updated: 14:19 GMT 15.11.2022) The Trump administration is offering oil companies all 10.3 million acres of available land on the reserve, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) said in a press release on Tuesday. The reserve is the single-largest parcel of public land in the United States.
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The Trump administration has opened up a huge amount of land in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve for oil-sale leases, the CBD said.
“Oil companies submitted lease bids on Monday for the largest oil-lease sale ever offered in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve,” the release said. “Bids will be open on Wednesday.”
4 December 2017, 23:33 GMT
The sale will
destroy the natural habitat on the reserve, which is one of the last frontiers in the United States, CBD senior attorney Kristen Monsell said in the release.
Trump has been a big supporter for US energy independence and has rolled back Obama-era regulations that placed federal protections on public lands.
In October, US Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke announced the largest fossil fuel lease offering in the history of the United States. The US federal government opened up 76.9 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico, which is scheduled to be auctioned off in March 2018, the release added.