In an interview with Bloomberg, the 33 year-old entrepreneur, said that about four years ago he bought 2,000 Bitcoins at a price of $750 per coin.
The total investment amounted to $1.5 million. In December, the value of the entrepreneur's crypto-currency portfolio exceeded $35 million.
Durov who has moved to Dubai and has a new office on the 23rd floor of a skyscraper in Dubai Media City earlier said that the arrival of Bitcoin is a chance for the global financial system to exit from the US hegemony.
In his recent interview with Bloomberg Durov said that he is optimistic about Bitcoin because it’s “digital gold.”
The tech genius created the encrypted messenger, Telegram, which he calls hack-proof. The messenger already has about 180 million users, including 40 million in Iran alone.
Durov is also known for being the founder of the social networking site VK which is the largest networking site in Russia.
Meanwhile, Bitcoin set a new record at $18,000 last week. Some countries have already opened their markets for the crypto-currencies.