According to the TOLOnews broadcaster, citing Kandahar Police Chief Abdul Raziq, six policemen were killed as a suicide attacker tried to drive a Humvee truck laden with explosives into the headquarters of the Maiwand district police.
At the same time, an unnamed security official told the Khaama Press news agency that at least seven people were killed and nine others injured.
#Afghanistan: Kandahar Suicide car bombing leave six ALP personnel dead: By Bashir Ahmed Nadeem on 22 December 2017 KANDAHAR (Pajhwok): Six Afghan Local Police (ALP) personnel were killed and four others injured in a suicide blast in the Maiwand…
— Pajhwok Afghan News (@pajhwok) 22 декабря 2017 г.
No terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the attack yet.
Afghanistan has long been suffering from an unstable political, social and security situation due to the activity of the Taliban and Daesh terrorist groups, both banned in Russia.