Do You Even Age? Couple's 10-Year Transformation Pic Blows Instagram Users Minds

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Couple - Sputnik International
Everyone gets older, but some people are luckier than the others as aging seems to make them look even better than during their teenage years.

A US couple shared a stunning image on Instagram showing how they looked when they were teens and nowadays.

The two pics were taken with a 10-year difference — in 2007 and 2017 — showing an amazing transformation of the two people from shy youngsters into stunning adults.

The photos of 29-year-old Wendy Joseph and her 30-year-old fiancé Dan Hennessey took Instagram by storm.

Публикация от 🌸 Wendy Joseph 🇭🇹 (@ohwendyoh) Дек 29, 2017 at 9:16 PST

Many users were stunned about the couple's changes, especially given the fact that on their recent picture the two of them looked much more stylish, but not a day older.

"Did you both age in reverse?? What fountain of youth are you drinking from??" one Instagram user wrote.

"You wanna tell me how you aged backwards? You guys make such a cute couple, had to follow you both," another asked.

The post has become incredibly popular among thousands of Instagram users and received almost 60,000 likes within a week.

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