The remaining 60 percent of federal employees who continue to work may not receive paychecks until after the government reopens. In the past, Congress has granted back pay to federal employees sent home during a government shutdown, Defense One reported.
During the Obama administration, the Office of Management and Budget guidance mandated that agencies update government shutdown plans every two years, starting in 2015. As almost every federal agency has refreshed plans to specify who will be furloughed under an appropriations lapse, contingencies vary.
For instance, while the Veterans Affairs Department furloughs just 4.2 percent of its employees, the Housing and Urban Development Department furloughs over 96 percent of its 7,800 workforce. On the other hand, only 10 percent of the National Labor Relations Board's 1,600 employees are required to work during the shutdown.
The Census Bureau will furlough an eye-opening 99.9 percent of its federal workers, while the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration allows over 50 percent of its employees to work. Approximately 87 percent of Internal Revenue Service employees are furloughed, while less than 20 percent of the Treasury Department's Bureau of the Fiscal Service face temporary leave.
The Indian Health Service at the Health and Human Services Department will see 95 percent of its employees report compared to the less than 25 percent at the National Institute of Health. The Interior Department will furlough all of its inspector general employees.
Although the Pentagon has not announced what its plan is, the Defense Department published a 14-page document on Friday outlining that only active duty service members, contractors and some specially designated Defense civilians will continue working in the event of a shutdown.