Liikenneviraston tekemä liikenteenohjaus on tarkkaa puuhaa, 24/7. Tieliikennekeskuksessa yllätyttiin, kun Tampereen Rantatunnelia lennähti valvomaan erilainen apuri. Onko tämä se kuuluisa stadionin huuhkaja vai tamperelainen serkkupoika? #huuhkaja #liikenne
— Liikennevirasto (@Liikennevirasto) January 30, 2018
A Finnish traffic camera recently received an unexpected guest as a nosy owl decided to perch in front of the lens.
More than likely mistaking the surveillance device for an eye, the owl followed the camera as it attempted to move and get a better view of the road.
No word on how long the bird decided to stick around, but one can guess the owl got a little frustrated with its mute mate toward the end of the video…