Sputnik: What right does George Soros have to try and influence the UK democratic vote?
Bill Etheridge: He has no right, seeking to intervene in the democratic process, to support an elitist movement which is trying to defy the will of the British people and it’s despicable.
Bill Etheridge: It’s an example of foreign influence but also the influence of the mega rich and the elite corporatists who wish to suppress the people in order to have global governance, and he is a shining example of what we are talking about here.
Sputnik: Why do you think Mr. Soros trying to influence any decision now, and not before the referendum a few years ago?
Bill Etheridge: I don’t think that anybody like him, anyone of the establishment and anyone in power actually believed that the people would rise up the way they did. Now they’ve realised that they have a problem and they are throwing as much as they can on their side to try and reverse the will of the people.

Sputnik: Best for Britain are reportedly going to use this money on campaigns to change people’s minds. Is this going too far now?
Bill Etheridge: Well there should be no deal anyway; there should be a simple withdrawal. In regards to what they are doing, if they wish to waste their money and to change the mind of the British people, [they can] go ahead. They will be met with stiff resistance because for every person they seek to buy out we will speak to 100 more who will appreciate freedom and not be taken in by this nonsense.
Bill Etheridge: It’s a reality, it’s not a scare tactic, and it’s a fact. This is what they are doing; they need to be exposed for what they are. Those of us on the side of freedom will work tirelessly to make sure they are exposed and people see through their lies. It’s an example of the international elite seeking to confound the will of the people and I have faith in the British people, who have the strength of character to resist this nonsense and stand strong by their decision to be free and independent.
The views and opinions expressed by Mr. Bill Etheridge are those of the speaker, and do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.
The Best for Britain campaign is chaired by former UK government minister and deputy UN secretary general Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, and supported by politicians including former Labour Minister Andrew Adonis and former Liberal Democratic leader Tim Farron.