On March 23, the Spanish Supreme Court activated a European arrest warrant for a number of Catalan politicians, including Puigdemont. Two days thereafter, Puigdemont was detained in Germany after he crossed the border with Denmark on his way from Finland to Belgium, he is currently in custody in the German city of Neumunster. Puigdemont is scheduled to testify in the court of Schleswig-Holstein state on April 2.
"I am not giving up, I am not losing courage over the illegitimate actions of those who lost the elections," Puigdemont posted on his Twitter page.
Que tothom ho tingui clar: no claudicaré, no renunciaré, no em retiraré davant l'actuació il·legítima dels qui han perdut a les urnes ni davant de l'arbitrarietat dels qui estan disposats a pagar el preu d'abandonar l'estat de dret i la justícia per "la unitat de la pàtria". pic.twitter.com/X9Q7kXHuxg
— Carles Puigdemont 🎗 (@KRLS) 31 марта 2018 г.
This is Puigdemont's first statement since his arrest a week ago.
READ MORE: Berlin Reportedly Has No Plans to Impede Puigdemont's Extradition to Spain