The kid later told officers his trip to one of the happiest places on Earth was sparked by an argument with his dad.
Park employees alerted police after the boy tried entering the park without an adult, Pear Video reported.
Set on getting in, the persistent kid even tried convincing responding officer Zhuang Lin to help him get past the gate. "Just find someone already in the park to be my guardian," video from Zhuang's body cam shows.
However, the boy did reveal he lived in Nanjing, a 300-kilometer distance from the park, and how he had managed to get to Shanghai Disneyland.
"I snuck on the train," he told Zhuang, video shows.
Zhuang learned the boy had managed to slip onto a Shanghai-bound high-speed train the day before with a little slick-talking.
"He just told ticket checkers that 'my parents just got on the train' and they let him board," said Zhuang.
Probably realizing he was in some sort of trouble, the boy evaded Zhuang's requests for his mother's phone number with the same spirit that got him on the train.
"I only remember half of it," he said.
Zhuang eventually contacted his mother, who was frantically searching for him in Nanjing. She traveled to Shanghai that day.
The boy told Zhuang he had run away because of a fight with his father.
"He wouldn't tell me his father's name either. He said his dad had a very bad temper," said Zhuang.
This story was originally published in the Global Times.