Dooley is a 25-year-old licensed grower of medical cannabis living in Oregon, US where it has been legal to smoke weed recreationally since 2015.
Despite not being invited to the Royal Wedding due on May 19 this year, he has reportedly decided to name the new strain of marijuana "Markle's Sparkle" after his aunt to mark the event.
Meghan’s nephew is a cannabis farmer who is planning a new drug called Markle’s Sparkle Breaking News
— Ilhame Louisa Maria (@IlhameLouisaMar) 15 апреля 2018 г.
Given that cannabis is currently illegal in the UK, Dooley wouldn't be allowed to bring any Markle Sparkle there. But he expressed eagerness to let the royal couple try out the newly developed strain should they ever visit him in Oregon.
"I'd be happy to show them around if they ever come out here and educate them on the medicinal benefits of marijuana which helps everything from post-traumatic stress syndrome to insomnia to pain in cancer patients," Dooley told Daily Mail, adding that Harry would particularly enjoy the trip because he loves "a good party".