Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, known all over the world as Elisabeth II, was born in 1926, ascended the throne in 1952 and since then hasn't only made history as the longest serving monarch in British history, but has became a phenomena in pop culture. Her image has been used in all sorts of works, from TV series and movies to memes. The best art pieces dedicated to Her Majesty in places you least expect to see her are gathered in Sputnik's gallery.
READ MORE: Top 10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Queen Elizabeth II
CC BY-SA 2.0 / Loz Pycock / Graffiti, New Oxford StreetThis graffiti in New Oxford Street, London, captures Elizabeth's iconic traits - her favorite corgi dogs as well as hats and polychrome outfits.

This graffiti in New Oxford Street, London, captures Elizabeth's iconic traits - her favorite corgi dogs as well as hats and polychrome outfits.
© AFP 2023 / BEN FATHERSLondon's foremost street artist Banksy, whose identity remains unknown, takes a particular liking for Her Majesty. This work in Clink street, near London Bridge, dates back to 2002.

London's foremost street artist Banksy, whose identity remains unknown, takes a particular liking for Her Majesty. This work in Clink street, near London Bridge, dates back to 2002.
CC BY 2.0 / KylaBorg / Banksy, Queen as Ziggy StardustBanksy also once combined two powerful British images, giving the Queen a Ziggy Stardust touch.

Banksy also once combined two powerful British images, giving the Queen a Ziggy Stardust touch.
© AFP 2023 / AHMAD GHARABLIAn actor dressed up as Queen Elizabeth and Palestinian children from the al-Aida refugee camp attended an event held by secretive British street artist Banksy for the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration on November 1, 2017, at his Walled-Off Hotel in Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

An actor dressed up as Queen Elizabeth and Palestinian children from the al-Aida refugee camp attended an event held by secretive British street artist Banksy for the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration on November 1, 2017, at his Walled-Off Hotel in Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.
CC BY-SA 2.0 / Alice / Banksy-like QueenSome have tried to follow Banksy and capture his style.

Some have tried to follow Banksy and capture his style.
CC BY 2.0 / Matt Brown / Yogic QueenYogic Queen

Yogic Queen
CC BY-SA 2.0 / Loz Pycock / Work by Loretto, Great Marlborough StreetStreet artist Loretto also takes a particular interest in the queen's personality, inclined to a more satiric view as in this graffiti in Great Marlborough Street, London.

Street artist Loretto also takes a particular interest in the queen's personality, inclined to a more satiric view as in this graffiti in Great Marlborough Street, London.
CC BY-SA 2.0 / Loz Pycock / 'The Dominatrixes' by Loretto, Great Marlborough StreetAnother unconventional image by street artist Loretto - "The Queen Dominatrixes" from Great Marlborough Street, London.

Another unconventional image by street artist Loretto - "The Queen Dominatrixes" from Great Marlborough Street, London.