Flames and fumes near the Bologna airport frightened Italians on Monday. According to the police, the panic was caused by a traffic accident on a nearby highway.
A large truck, hauling fuel materials, caught fire, igniting other vehicles and triggering the explosion, significantly damaging the highway. According to the Rainews24 broadcaster, at least one person died due to the accident, while 55 people were injured.
Cosa sta succedendo? Esplosione in corso a #bologna pic.twitter.com/nDEjgRt8bk
— Biagio Tozzi (@biagiotozzi) 6 августа 2018 г.
Esplosione di un’autocisterna in tangenziale a Bologna all’altezza di Borgo Panigale. Traffico Bloccato.@Twiperbole @VAIstradeanas @RegioneER pic.twitter.com/x0jtugKRGx
— GiornaleProCiv (@giornaleprociv) 6 августа 2018 г.
The highway was blocked by the damaged cars, preventing emergency services from putting out the fire.
Forte #esplosione vicino #Bologna Chi ha notizie? Visto dalla #tangenzialebologna pic.twitter.com/j6mjyOW4Nb
— amedeo (@amemacula) 6 августа 2018 г.