Tohisuke Kanazawa, 82, had to give up bodybuilding at the age of 34, but more than 15 years later he resumed his hobby in order to inspire his ailing wife. According to the man, he will be participating in contests until his 85th birthday. Kanazawa also praises his diet, which has made him strong enough to endure his training.
Iron, Rice and Miso - 82-Year-Old Japanese Bodybuilder Reveals His Secrets
16:30 GMT 08.08.2018 (Updated: 21:36 GMT 08.08.2018)
© Youtube / SputnikMeet 82 Years Old Bodybuilder

© Youtube / Sputnik
Sometimes it is really difficult to stay in shape, especially if you sit down most hours of the day at work. What can you do in a situation like that? This senior Japanese bodybuilder is definitely able tell you!