The Russian Post has the largest branch network in the country with about 42 thousand post offices and unites one of the largest bodies of employees in Russia, with about 350 thousand postal workers in total.
Each year, the Russian Post receives about 2.5 billion letters and invoices (of which 1 billion are from government agencies) and processes about 365 million parcels.
© Photo : Russian WestA postwoman delivering the mail.

A postwoman delivering the mail.
© Sputnik / Cnernov / Go to the mediabankPostwomen deliver newspapers to the Baikal-Amur Mainline, Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Postwomen deliver newspapers to the Baikal-Amur Mainline, Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
© AFP 2023 / DPA/Patrick Pleul Postwoman Andrea Bunar delivering the mail on a boat near Lehde, eastern Germany, on March 25, 2015 during the annual start of postal deliveries by boat.

Postwoman Andrea Bunar delivering the mail on a boat near Lehde, eastern Germany, on March 25, 2015 during the annual start of postal deliveries by boat.

Moscow postwoman Irina Skvortsova with newspapers.
© AFP 2023 / Abdelhak Senna A postwoman and her male colleague deliver the mail on 30 August, 2001 in Rabat. For the first time in Morocco, 68 women delivered the mail in 16 Moroccan cities.

A postwoman and her male colleague deliver the mail on 30 August, 2001 in Rabat. For the first time in Morocco, 68 women delivered the mail in 16 Moroccan cities.
© AFP 2023 / Christophe ArchambaultPostwoman Celia Ruivo-Alves carries a crate containing mails during her morning round in Chevilly-Larue, southern Paris, on October 20, 2016.

Postwoman Celia Ruivo-Alves carries a crate containing mails during her morning round in Chevilly-Larue, southern Paris, on October 20, 2016.
© AFP 2023 / Attila KisbenedekAn official of the "Magyar Posta" (Hungarian Post) Bernadett Kasza delivers money to a woman in her district in Budapest on October 18, 2013. The young postwoman received the award of "Best Post official in 2012."

An official of the "Magyar Posta" (Hungarian Post) Bernadett Kasza delivers money to a woman in her district in Budapest on October 18, 2013. The young postwoman received the award of "Best Post official in 2012."
© Sputnik / Skurikhina / Go to the mediabankThe librarian and postwoman of the state farm named after Yuri Gagarin - Muscovite Nadia Golubkova.

The librarian and postwoman of the state farm named after Yuri Gagarin - Muscovite Nadia Golubkova.
© AP Photo / Heribert ProepperA postwoman loads her delivery car at a post service station at the German Post Office in Kiel, northern Germany, on Friday, April 18, 2008.

© AP Photo / Heribert Proepper
A postwoman loads her delivery car at a post service station at the German Post Office in Kiel, northern Germany, on Friday, April 18, 2008.
© AP PhotoA London postwoman, wearing slacks and a nifty hat, collects letters from a corner mailbox in London, Nov. 30, 1942. Because of the need for men in the armed services and in production factories, London women took up many jobs formerly held by men.

© AP Photo
A London postwoman, wearing slacks and a nifty hat, collects letters from a corner mailbox in London, Nov. 30, 1942. Because of the need for men in the armed services and in production factories, London women took up many jobs formerly held by men.
© Sputnik / Ruslan Krivobok / Go to the mediabankWork at the automated sorting center "Post of Russia" in the village of Lviv, Moscow region.

Work at the automated sorting center "Post of Russia" in the village of Lviv, Moscow region.