According to a Russian fairy tale, it's possible to make cereal from a hatchet. Auto mechanics with the Russian YouTube channel "Garazh 54" decided to work on a more modern variant of the tale… by making soup out of an old Russian Zhiguli car. In order to do so, they assembled a makeshift 10,000 liter bowl for it, filled it with water, added salt and seasoning, as well as threw in a couple of packs of macaroni.
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After the water reached boiling point (which took over 6 hours) they used a crane to put in the final ingredient — the car itself. After a few more hours of boiling, the soup was ready… or at least it smelled like it was. It's hard to tell if it was edible since no-one from "Garazh 54" dared to taste it. The car itself survived the experiment with only minor external damage, but it's unlikely it will drive again any time soon.