"As part of the Trump administration’s efforts to prevent US funds from reaching the Cuban military, intelligence and security services, the State Department is adding 26 sub-entities to the Cuba Restricted List, including 16 hotels owned by the Cuban military," the release said.
The release said the changes to the Cuba Restricted List will take effect on Thursday, November 15.
READ MORE: US-Owned Hilton Hotel in Japan Refuses Room to Cuban Diplomats, Cites Sanctions
Direct financial transactions are generally prohibited with the entities and subentities on the list because they would benefit the Cuban government at the expense of the Cuban people or private enterprise in the country, the release added.
US President Donald Trump has re-imposed many restrictions on exchanges between the United States and Cuba that were eased under President Barack Obama. In October, Trump set new limits for US citizens travelling to the island, and banned payments to a military-linked organization that controls the island's tourist industry.