Social media users have revealed that the infamous picture of President Emmanuel Macron happily smiling next to a reported drug dealer and a middle finger-giving resident of Saint Martin is being censored on Facebook for violating the network’s rules against ‘nudity and sexual activity’.
TWEET: ‘Imagine this: my post from 30 September with this photograph of #Macron was censored by #Facebook. My comment was: "Funny way to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Fifth Republic". Reason: nudity! These people are crazy’.
Figurez vous que ma publication du 30 septembre sur #Macron avec cette photographie a été censurée par #Facebook.
— Vincent G. RICHARD (@V_G_Richard) 27 November 2018
Mon commentaire était le suivant: « Drôle de façon de fêter le 60 ème anniversaire de la Ve République ».
Motif: nudité! Ces gens sont fous.
TWEET: 'Facebook has a sense of humour'.
#Facebook a de l'humour.
— Vincent G. RICHARD (@V_G_Richard) 27 November 2018
Facebook censure ma publication sur Macron aux Antilles au motif « nudite et actes sexuels » 🤔😂
— Charles Aslangul (@CharlesAslangul) 27 November 2018
TWEET: ’Funny censorship #Facebook I like this: "it goes against our standards on nude scenes or sexual activity"’
Drôle de censure #Facebook
— laurent gallois (@laurentgallois) 28 November 2018
J'aime bien le: " elle va à l'encontre de nos standards sur les scènes dénudées ou l'activité sexuelle "#Macron
The censorship did not affect only France, a number of users from abroad had faced the same ‘problem’:
How funny: this pic I uploaded on facebook 2 months ago of Macron with a bare chested thug got removed because "showing nudity"… #Macron #censorship
— Jonas Vets 🇧🇷 🇧🇪 (@jonasvets) 27 November 2018
So #Facebook removed this post entirely after I asked to verify their decision to censor the #Macron with thug photo. It's an evil company with a political agenda! Well, If I can't say what I want I won't say anything no more on their stupid platform! #censorship #1984
— Jonas Vets 🇧🇷 🇧🇪 (@jonasvets) 28 November 2018
And posting sexually explicit pictures of Macron and his black thug friends…
— Jonas Vets 🇧🇷 🇧🇪 (@jonasvets) 28 November 2018
Now Facebook has reviewed this photo, and apparently they are either calling that handsome criminal a woman or that Macron is having sex with him. Really?
— Henrik Wallin (@HenrikWallin3) 29 November 2018
According to Facebook, this is a photo of Macron engaging in indecent sexual activity, the type that violates their community standards.
— Ben Davis (@BenDavisCP) 27 November 2018
TWEET: ‘According to Facebook, this photo of Emmanuel Macron is, well… XXXX-rated!’
Selon Facebook, cette photo de Emmanuel Macron est donc… classée XXXX! #JPP
— Nora Hamadi (@NoraHamadi) 27 November 2018
The pic drew much criticism due to the fact that the two locals were posing shirtless with the president, and one of them confessed to being a thief, who had just been released from prison; while the other was flipping the bird at the cameras.
Just a few days later, the bandanna-wearing ex-robber was reportedly sentenced to eight months in prison for possession of drugs and resisting arrest.