German Ministry of Interior issued an apology over serving pork sausage to the people attending the German Islam Conference in Berlin.
According to BBC, the sausage in question was the so called “blood sausage” (blutwurst) which counts pig blood, bacon and pork among its ingredients.
This development prompted journalist Tuncay Ozdamar to inquire what kind of signal the ministry wanted to send
Auf der #Islamkonferenz gestern in Berlin gab es wieder Schweinefleisch auf dem Buffet. Es wurde Blutwurst serviert. İnşallah halal.
— Tuncay Özdamar (@TuncayOezdamar) 29 ноября 2018 г.
Welches Zeichen will Seehofers Innenministerium damit setzen?
Ein wenig Respekt vor Muslimen, die kein Schweinefleisch essen, wäre angebracht.
Earlier in March, German Minister of Interior Seehofer declared that "Islam doesn't belong to Germany," and that "Germany has been shaped by Christianity," as Deutsche Welle points out.