"Final US withdrawal from the INF Treaty threatens to unravel all arms control arrangements, and the stability and predictability they provide between the United States and Russia," Burroughs said. "The INF Treaty… was a foundation for subsequent agreements on reduction of long-range nuclear forces. If that foundation is removed, it is unclear whether New START and control and reduction of long-range nuclear forces generally can be sustained."
"This all means that there is a long period — eight months — for the US and Russia to resolve their disputes about claimed violations of the INF Treaty," he said. "And it can be done, through negotiations and transparency measures, [and] visits in person to the installations in question."
What was really needed was the creation of a multilateral process for reductions of nuclear arms leading to zero, Burroughs advised, although setting up such a mechanism would be even more challenging.
READ MORE: f INF Cancelled Russia's Responsive Steps to Target States Housing US Missiles
The International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms is an international non-governmental organization headquartered in Berlin. It was founded in 1988 and seeks to build and strengthen international legal efforts to ban the use and threat of use of nuclear weapons.
On Tuesday, the State Department said it would suspend US obligations under the INF in 60 days unless Russia comes into compliance. On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin told reporters the United States has still provided zero evidence to support allegations of violating the accord. Putin also said if Washington wants to develop weapons banned under the INF treaty, Moscow would follow suit.