"During sudden temperature changes, the moisture in the atmosphere starts to freeze, and ice crystals start to go down, just like leaves in autumn, taking a horizontal position. Their striking feature is that they begin to reflect light that beams from lanterns, and various sources of bright light", the engineer at the Kourovka Astronomical Observatory, Vladilen Sanakoev, told Sputnik on Monday.
According to the scholar, it is possible to observe the phenomenon twice a year in regions with low temperatures. It usually appears during sudden temperature drops of between 10 and 20 degrees.
В воскресенье жители Нижнего Тагила наблюдали необычное явление, похожее на северное сияние. Красотище и никакой Северный полюс нам не нужен pic.twitter.com/sFVwtMKIFk
— Щепетильный кухар (@shepitkitchen) 17 декабря 2018 г.