"Associations Centre Zahra France, Federation Chiite de France [Shiite Federation of France], Parti Anti Sioniste [Anti-Zionist Party] and the France Marianne Tele have regularly justified jihad through sermons and written texts," the French ministry said in a statement.
According to the ministry, Centre Zahra France indoctrinated youth in favour of jihad and supported actions of groups that the European Union considered to be terrorist organizations, such as Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the military branch of Hezbollah.
French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner was determined to dissolve all organizations that promoted hate, discrimination and violence, the statement said.
ℹ @CCastaner a proposé au président de la République la dissolution de 4 #associations qui prônent le djihad armé. Le ministre est pleinement déterminé à dissoudre toutes les associations qui attisent la haine, appellent à la #discrimination et font l'apologie de la #violence ⬇ pic.twitter.com/LrDQ40YGZR
— Ministère de l'Intérieur (@Place_Beauvau) March 20, 2019
In October, French authorities closed Centre Zahra France, a Muslim centre in the north of the country, for six months following a massive counterterrorism raid and investigation into the centre's leaders' ties to terrorist organizations in Lebanon, Gaza and Iran. According to the French police, the organization was a medium for the diffusion of radical Shiite Islam propaganda into Europe. The leaders of the centre have denied the accusations.
Christophe Castaner demande la dissolution de 4 associations "légitimant le #jihad armé" Le ministre de l’Intérieur précise que les associations concernées sont le Centre Zahra France la Fédération chiite de France, le Parti Anti Sioniste et France Marianne Télé pic.twitter.com/aAedXs4r48
— Ulysse Paris (@ulyssepariser) March 20, 2019